Lit: Volunteer experience

Archiemeng / 2022-06-03

P1: Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Guo Dahui. It’s my honor to stand here as a promoter to introduce Comrade Meng Weiqi, who applied for community practice in our research group! P2: He was born in Handan, Hebei Province, in December 1999. He is currently a master’s student of Class 2101 in Electrical Engineering of the Institute of Automation, and is also my classmate. He is the annual outstanding Communist Youth League member of the Institute, and also the group leader who actively promotes theoretical study in the Party group. The most valuable thing is that he has been studying for decades, from Hengshui to Central and South China, and has faithfully implemented voluntary service into action, silently practicing his original intention of “serving the people”. For the word “volunteer”, “volunteer service is always on the way, at the foot…” he said. P3: Here, I will only introduce his four major community practice experiences and personal honors this academic year: P4: From March 2021 to March 2022, from epidemic prevention to poverty alleviation, from offline to online, he participated in four volunteer service activities, and won two “Excellent Volunteers” and one “Youth Star” honorary title. P5: In March 2022, the “New Oxygen Beauty Plan” came into the mountainous areas of Guizhou Province, and gathered doctors from Class III hospitals and Class III plastic surgery hospitals in four provinces and five places, including Shanghai, to provide plastic surgery free clinic services for rural residents in Zunyi and Qianxi simultaneously online and offline. P6: Here, in the mountainous areas of Guizhou, the arrival of all volunteers brings new hope for the poor patients to eliminate body defects and rebuild a better life. P7: Here are the cover photos of the official official account tweets at that time. P8: At the beginning of 2021, the epidemic was once again “rampant” in Handan, Hebei Province. The bravest person to go against the tide of people often had to turn his back and wear the red sleeve label of “Party member volunteer”, and he joined the volunteer service team without hesitation. P9: During this period, he walked into the streets and alleys in the daytime, registered the health code from door to door, and stood at each shift at the epidemic prevention duty point at night. P10: At the beginning of 2022, under the background of repeated epidemics, relying on the “National New Youth Plan Volunteer Service”, he integrated We-media online to popularize epidemic prevention knowledge. P11: During the period, more than 60 epidemic prevention knowledge questionnaires were completed independently, and online publicity was carried out simultaneously to understand and help vulnerable groups establish safety protection awareness. P12: Similarly, in the early 2022 Winter Olympic Games, he also appeared. Relying on the Beijing Charity Foundation and other organizations, he popularized the knowledge of the Winter Olympic Games on various new media platforms, and helped the Beijing Winter Olympic Games online. P13: In this practice, he won the honorary title of “Youth Star” because of the remarkable publicity effect on the We-media platform. P14: Finally, here is his personal honor this academic year. Of course, in my opinion, ordinary “blood donation”, “donation”, “environmental protection project” and so on are his “medal” in life. P15: In his view, a drop of water will never dry up until it is put into the sea, and a person can be most powerful only when he integrates himself with the collective cause. Catching up with the good times, he was grateful and more motivated. When the trickle, together with every struggling person, converges into a new era of China’s surging forward. Thank you for your patience!

P1: 大家下午好,我叫郭达辉,很荣幸作为推介人,站在这里,为大家介绍我们课题组申请社区实践类的孟维琦同志! P2: 他于1999年12月出生在河北邯郸,目前是自动化学院电气2101班硕士研究生,也是我的同门,他是学院的年度优秀共青团员,也是党小组中积极推进理论学习的小组长。最难能可贵的是,求学数十载,从衡水到中南,他切切实实地将志愿服务落实到了行动上,默默践行“为人民服务”的初心。对于“志愿”二字,“志愿服务永远在路上,在脚下…”他是这样注解的。 P3: 这里,我将仅对他本学年四次主要的社区实践经历和个人荣誉展开介绍: P4: 2021年3月至2022年3月,从抗疫到扶贫,从线下到线上,他先后参加了四次志愿服务活动,荣获两次“优秀志愿者”,一次“青年之星”荣誉称号。 P5: 2022年3月,“新氧美丽计划”走进贵州山区,召集上海等4省5地三甲医院及三级整形医院的医生,线上线下同步为遵义、黔西乡村居民开展整形医疗义诊服务。 P6: 在这里,贵州的山区,所有志愿者们的抵达,为贫困患者带来消除体表缺陷、重建美好人生的新希望。 P7: 这里展示了当时官方公众号推文报道的封面照片。 P8: 2021年初,疫情又一次在河北邯郸 “肆虐”,最勇敢的逆行,往往要背对人潮,戴上“党员志愿者”的红袖标,他义无反顾地加入志愿服务队。 P9: 这期间,他白天走街入巷,挨家挨户登记健康码,晚上在防疫值班点站好每一班岗。 P10: 2022年初,在疫情反复的背景下,依托“全国新青年计划志愿服务”,他融合自媒体在线上对防疫知识进行普及宣传。 P11: 期间,独立完成60余份防疫知识调查问卷,同步线上宣传,了解并帮助弱势群体建立安全防护意识。 P12: 同样,2022年初的冬奥会也有他的身影,依托北京慈善基金会等组织,在各大新媒体平台普及冬奥知识,线上携手助力北京冬奥会。 P13: 在这次实践中,因为在自媒体平台上的宣传效果显著,他荣获了“青年之星”荣誉称号。 P14: 最后,这里是他本学年荣获的个人荣誉。当然,在我看来,平常的“献血”、“捐款”、“环保项目”等等才是他人生的“勋章”。 P15: 在他看来,一滴水只有放进大海里才永远不会干涸,一个人只有当他把自己和集体事业融合在一起的时候才能最有力量。赶上了好时代,他心怀感恩,更动力满满。当那涓涓细流,和每一位拼搏奋斗的人一起,共同汇聚成新时代中国昂扬奋进的洪流。感谢大家的耐心聆听!

Last modified on 2022-06-03